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In the September 2016 edition, Beatriz Portas gave her testimony on the subject: 'On social media, the recruiter enters the inputs and begins the journey.

Recruiting and selecting candidates can be described as a 'task of expertise', because it is an attempt to achieve a 'perfect match' between a job and a person, or so it is hoped. This 'marriage' is not easy: there are many parameters to consider, on the one hand the job, on the other the candidate, and finally the combination of the two. Selection is a task in which the recruiter must be very attentive, choosing the most appropriate methods and the way in which they are applied. They must pay close attention and study the job in order to have the greatest possible knowledge of it and, 'a posteriori', the greatest possible recognition of the characteristics and professional traits of the candidate who might fit it. Without recruitment, there can be no selection. It's really the most important stage in the process. It requires not only study and in-depth knowledge of the position, but also planning of the type of tools to be used and the platforms for publicising them, as well as other factors related to the position for which the recruiter is working. When you're just a click away, everything becomes more accessible on a personal and professional level, even if you're hundreds or thousands of miles away. The proximity that the globalised world has brought is no exception when it comes to recruitment: the extent to which recruitment tools need to change is becoming less and less, both in terms of the language used and the existing knowledge of different cultures. It's important to mention the extremely important contribution of technology and social networks.

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