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Success Stories:
What our Customers say
about our Performance!

Ricardo Baldaia

               Human Resources


 "SLOT has been Mike Davis' key partner for several years now... As a result of this partnership we have an enriching experience and an increase in the quality of human capital. Whenever we work with SLOT, we feel that Rigour, active listening, passion for R&S, transparency".

Cátia Laranjeira

 Human Resources Business Partner


"The R&S process has been well monitored by consultants who quickly give clear feedback, presenting generally valid candidates for the open positions."

    Victor Meira

    Commercial Director Portugal


"We have used SLOT several times for recruitment processes and the experience has always been very positive: from the process of defining profiles to selecting and interviewing candidates."

Rita Cadillon

          Head of People & Culture


"We've had a great experience working with SLOT HR. Recruitment processes have been closed quickly and efficiently. They are able to understand the requirements of the profiles well and present suitable candidates."

Client and sales representative from the SLOT HR team greeting each other with a handshake.

Invest in the Future of your Organization!


We offer solutions
Strategies to optimize Human Resources Management.

  • SLOT Human Resources' Recruitment and Selection service was designed to identify, attract and select the best candidates to fill the vacancies and needs of our clients.

    This process is divided into two main phases:

    • Recruitment: Consists of attracting candidates through various channels, such as job advertisements, contact networks and online platforms, thus ensuring a diverse and qualified pool of candidates.

    • Selection: Involves the careful evaluation of recruited candidates, using techniques such as interviews, aptitude tests and behavioral assessments ( assessments ), aiming to select the candidate who best adapts to the requirements of the vacancy and the culture of the client company.


    SLOT ensures a thorough selection that considers both technical skills and compatibility with your company's culture, resulting in choosing the ideal candidate for you.

    We seek for our clients to fill not only their vacancies with qualified professionals, but also to strengthen their teams with talents that drive their growth and organizational sustainability. We simplify the Talent search for you!

  • With the purpose of optimizing people management processes and strategies, our Consulting service deeply analyzes your company's environment, identifying key aspects for its optimization and strategic growth.


    During this process we carry out the following phases:

    • Diagnosis and Strategy: We carry out a detailed and rigorous analysis of your company's needs, developing personalized strategies to attract, retain and develop talent.

    • Performance Management: We implement performance assessment and skills development systems to maximize the potential of your employees.

    • Complementary Services: We also offer a Recruitment & Selection service, seeking to select new Talents for your needs, and a Training service, in order to train and motivate your employees.


    Through our Consulting service, you will be able to optimize processes, reduce costs, attract and retain Talent, have specialized and experienced support in human resources management, allowing you to focus more on the main activities of your business.

  • SLOT is committed to a new training approach, positioning its offer through a personalized consultancy service, using its own instruments to define and implement an effective training plan.

    With programs developed to measure and in response to the needs highlighted by customers, our educational offer essentially focuses on three main areas: Personal Development , Commercial , Hotel and Restaurant Management .

    Quality combined with innovation and creativity are the ingredients of SLOT RH's training strategy, which, with a personalized team,

    of trainers/consultants, certified, independent, equipped with technical, pedagogical and communication skills, bring their own and different methodologies to our training, with practical and immediate results.

    Aware of market developments in terms of recruitment, selection and temporary work, SLOT Human Resources has the right vision for operationalizing the current training need.

  • A SLOT Recursos Humanos oferece soluções de trabalho temporário que permitem às empresas adaptar-se rapidamente às suas necessidades de pessoal, proporcionando flexibilidade e eficiência. 

    O serviço Trabalho Temporário permite-lhe:

    • Flexibilidade: Possibilita o ajuste do número de colaboradores conforme a necessidade, sem os encargos de contratações permanentes.

    • Redução de Custos: Reduzir encargos de recrutamento e gestão administrativa e poupar tempo.

    • Rápida Substituição: Disponibilização rápida de profissionais qualificados para substituir colaboradores ausentes, garantindo a continuidade nas operações.

    • Acesso a Talentos Especializados: A SLOT Recursos Humanos possui uma extensa base de candidatos, permitindo acesso a profissionais com competências específicas para projetos temporários.

    • Gestão Simplificada: Gerimos todos os aspetos administrativos, desde contratos a salários, permitindo que as empresas se concentrem nas suas atividades principais.

    • Avaliação de Potenciais Colaboradores: Oferece a oportunidade de avaliar trabalhadores antes de uma possível contratação permanente.

    • Cumprimento Legal: Garantia de conformidade com todas as obrigações legais e regulamentares.

    Este serviço é, por isso, ideal para responder a picos de trabalho sazonais, projetos de curta duração ou substituições temporárias.


Around 65% of our clients use more than one of the services provided by SLOT Human Resources, creating synergies and making the most of their time.


Our consultancy team has around 15 years' experience in the field of Human Resources, in the various services available.


Our consultants and talent managers have been with SLOT for over 5 years on average, ensuring regular contact and proximity to the client.


The average seniority of our clients is 7 years, and we have had clients with us since the beginning of SLOT Human Resources.

Do you want to schedule a meeting?

Get in touch with us!

What is the desired service?
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We Guarantee Talent

for these Companies.

Autozitânia logo


 Dgert Logo

We have been certified since February 2013 by DGERT (Directorate-General for Employment and Labor Relations), as a Certified Training Entity, allowing us to provide courses certified by the National Qualifications System.

Get in touch with us to find out what training we have available!


logo IEFP

SLOT Recursos Humanos has Permit No. 502 for Temporary Work, issued by the IEFP on 3 April 2006. This means that we are qualified and meet a set of requirements such as suitability, adequate organisational structure, among others, to carry out the activity of temporary assignment of workers.


Thalento Logo

We have been Thalento's official representative in Portugal since 2017. Thalento specialises in assessment solutions, offering a full range of services to help companies identify, select and develop talent. Ask us for a test and find out more about this tool!

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